Find your way with Teledyne RDI’s new Wayfinder DVL...

Weighing in at just .5 kg in water, the Wayfinder DVL is about to change everything. Historically, the awesome navigational power of DVLs has been reserved for larger vehicles and larger budgets. Now, with Teledyne RDI’s Wayfinder, this technology is right-sized and right-priced to offer the next generation of mico ROV and AUV manufacturers, users, and hobbyists the many clear advantages and significantly increased capability that only a DVL can provide.
Wayfinder delivers
So what can a Wayfinder DVL do for you?
Reduce Costs
- Track your position without the added expense and complexity of a Ultra Short Baseline (USBL) system
- Know your vehicle altitude without the cost and added payload of an altimeter
Improve Productivity
- Navigate safely, even in turbid and deep water
- Find and retrieve deployed objects more efficiently
Create Better Maps and Visuals
- Support flexible mission objectives from subsea cameras and videography to seabed mapping
- Record locations where images/photos were taken
Easily Integrate Onto Your ROV
- Save valuable time and money with our easy to install DVL and fully online documentation and support.
Reduce Complexity When Piloting
- Hover and station keep your ROV with confidence
- Mark waypoints or sites for later return
Introducing the NEW Wayfinder DVL for Micro Vehicles Watch the webinar >
Introduction to DVLs for Navigating ROVs. Watch the webinar >

- Pocket-sized packaging
- Precise Performance
- Affordable Price
- Proven Reliability
- Ease of Integration & Operation
Our Shopify contains full product details, documentation, and integration support – as well as the ability to purchase online. Check it out today!